
Angry Driver Gets A Surprise When Confronting Another Driver

He thought it was going to be an easy ride. He was totally wrong!!! See what happens when he takes chances driven by his anger.

Angry Driver Gets A Surprise When Confronting Another Driver

He thought it was going to be an easy ride. He was totally wrong!!! See what happens when he takes chances driven by his anger.


One of the stories making news headlines today is about Thabo Mbeki's refusal to attend a lecture by Jacob Zuma. 

"The former president is not going to attend the lecture due to prior commitments that have to do with his responsibilities around the two Sudans," Ratshitanga said

The former President Mbeki recently raised concerns about what he called 'a lost country' losing its direction. This followed a number of events that caused instability in South Africa. He was also very concerned about the Marikana saga that saw thousands of miners taking to the streets
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A ground-breaking discovery by South African scientists, which provides an important new approach that could prove useful in making an Aids vaccine, has been announced.

The Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) on Monday made the announcement of the discovery of a unique feature of HIV that enables infected people to make antibodies that are able to kill a wide range of the HIV strains.

CAPRISA's findings were a proud and great achievement for the country, said Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

An Aids study published in the journal, Nature Medicine, describes how a unique change in the outer covering of the virus found in two HIV infected South African women, enabled them to make potent antibodies which are able to kill up to 88% of HIV types from around the world.