

    The Ancy has voiced it concerns over the killing of striking miners by the police. In its statement the Ancy said:

    "The African National Congress Youth League condemns the unnecessary loss of life at Lonmin Mines.
    The loss of even one worker is always one life too many but the killing of ten people is a tragedy of epic proportions. We send our condolences to the families of the departed and wish them strength during this difficult time. We further wish those injured in these monstrous actions a speedy recovery.

    The manner in which these murderous and heinous crimes were carried out is indicative of an organised and orchestrated campaign against workers. Lonmin, NUM and AMCU must jointly take responsibility for the violence which has escalated unabated over the last couple of days. While law enforcement agencies are expected to act with haste to arrest all implicated in these criminal acts, those who by virtue of election or employment are tasked to exercise vigilance over the safety and wellbeing of these workers must do so and this matter cannot be relegated to a blame session between the unions and the company. 

    The SANDF and law enforcement agencies must never be expected to clean up irresponsible and dangerous behaviour condoned by those who are meant to be leaders of workers. No union shall be allowed to use the lives of people bolster their support and we remind both NUM and AMCU that freedom of association is an inalienable right enshrined in our constitution.

    We are left with no doubt that we were correct when we spoke of the need to democratise workplaces as part of our call for the nationalisation of mines and other strategic sectors of the economy. We have never though at any point assumed such a call would need to be further extended to what we believe to be the revolutionary and progressive trade union movement. We call therefore for an immediate end to the hostilities between NUM and AMCU and for NUM to lead in true tradition of the Congress movement and initiate discussion with all stakeholders to resolve the current impasse. 

    During this time, the African National Congress Youth League echoes COSATU`s call for workers to exercise maximum discipline and restraint in the face of faceless and nameless provocation. The Ministers of Mineral Resources and Labour must also not to be a silent spectator to the process." Ancyl

    Cosatu also condemned the attack on striking miners by the police. In a statement Cosatu said:

    "COSATU is appalled at the latest violence at the Lonmin Mine and surrounding areas, which today claimed a further 18 lives at the Wonderkop squatter camp.

    According to a SAPA report, police tried to disperse striking workers gathered on top of a hill, wielding pangas and chanting war songs. It ended in a three-minute shootout between the two groups, after police fired teargas and then used a water cannon to disperse the strikers, who retaliated by firing live ammunition at the police. A reporter at the scene said he counted 18 bodies.

    The federation extends its condolences to the families and friends of all those who have lost their lives in this latest violence and reiterates its call for workers to observe maximum discipline and unity in the face of a ruthless attempt to divide and weaken them. The CEC pledged its full support the National Union of Mineworkers’ efforts to resolve this situation."
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    tieho said...

    The Unions that led to this masacre should be held responsible, ""Cosatu also condemned the attack on striking miners by the police. In a statement Cosatu said"" as much as they claim to condem it, what did they expect the police to do, when they were being attacked by men with pangas? I dont blame the police in this case, UNIONS r to blame.

    BeFree said...

    Please i want the moderator of this site to publish this statement.
    The police who shot the south African miners are so crazy, Mad, imbecile and most stupid of all creation on earth. they open fire their own citizen just because they are fighting for their fundamental human right. In many parts of the western world it their is a protest. the police uses TIER GAS and if they see that things are getting worse. they can fire there legs which is more sensible that to open fire any how. USELESS POLICE OFFICERS. LACK OF SKILLS. I THINK THE FAMILIES OF THE VICTIMS NEEDS TO GET AN HUMAN RIGHT ACTIVIST BECAUSE THOSE POLICE SHOULD NOT GO UNPUNISHED

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