

The black people in this country of ours, South Africa, remain angry, unforgiving, some with traces of resentment and others with outright hatred towards white people. The need for political correctness has for a long-time made black people be deceitful about their real feelings towards white people. 

It is not about whether or not there exists a group of genuine white people who embrace black people as equals. It is about the past injustices suffered collectively by black people under the hands of white dominance, from colonialism through to apartheid, right through to a racialised economic ownership under the democratic black led government.

The reality of our society is that the inequalities we often see, whether at a level of income, ownership of industries, spatial inequalities and many more others like availability of infrastructure for education, private health etc. in suburban areas, often favours white people in a better position over the black majority.
The rural areas, townships and urban outskirts where black people are often found swamped in shacks and other not so well built RDP houses, remain unchanged as to how they were under the apartheid government. Save that perhaps now there is electricity, which has a cost burden on the poor unemployed black people in these areas.

Some of the areas have running water, yet even that is not enough to reduce preventable diseases in many of these areas where ordinary black people are found.  Access to information and facilities for primary healthcare, never mind advanced medical procedures, is developing at a snail’s pace.
Black Diamonds
The much worshipped ‘new black middle class’ is just a pretend class, a class caught in debt because of the high standard of living in the many white areas they seek to move in. The owners of property remain by far and large white and continue to raise prices in the property business to unaffordable and at times plainly ludicrous prices – which force these newly affording blacks to enter into debt so as to afford.

The captains of industry that are white, with foreign ties continue to silently collude on some prices of goods and services that must be rendered to this ‘new black middle class’. These black people vowed that they would give their children the best education, since they mostly grew up in the latter days of the Bantu education. However, quality education in this country remains largely a commodity found in private schools and former Model C schools.

In essence it means these blacks are without choice but to move closer to these schools, which the bulk of them are either found in former white settlements or in remote areas that require private transport to get to, such as the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir or the Hilton College in Pietermaritzburg.

The now public former Model C schools come with a hefty price tag, which means if this ‘new black middle class’ is to afford them they must dig deep in their pockets till the last cent comes out and forego the possibility of having extra cash to save.

We often mourn in this country that we are not a saving economy. But the question that remains unanswered is; where do we expect this money to save to come from? Large corporates owned by white people like SAB Miller, go to strategic meetings to develop ways on how to sustain and grow their rates of selling alcohol.

Yes, even in traditional African society there was and there still is beer in abundance and it was gotten for free during traditional functions or at times it came at a very low cost. The Tiger Brands of today, which have very little to do with black people in terms of ownership, try and lure this ‘new black middle class’ into spending money on expensive whiskeys that perform the same function as any other cheap alcohol and that is to get a person drunk.  Of course, this ‘new black middle class’ realises it is stuck in a trap, a trap created by white dominated capital. 

Blacks did not forgive
A trap that these black people want to escape but they are sold, every day, incentives on why they should remain consumerist.  Of course, ideally the white community is not to blame for this, but that is only in an ideal world.

White people in South Africa move around preaching how black people should be accepting of them without prejudice and without focusing on the need for vigorously interrogating the events of past white supremacy and dominance in this country.

White people feel that black people, who discuss blackness, black politics, are simply being racist and are a threat to their livelihood – this falsehood must be dismissed with contempt. It has only been 18 years into our democracy and somehow blacks are supposed to go to a state of voluntary amnesia, something that no living human being ever wants to experience. Black people did not forgive in 1994; they agreed to be coerced to a pretend state of normality and equality.

Black and white people are not equal. They are only equal in that they breathe the same air without having to rent it; besides that there are disparities at every level.

I at times agree with the radical Neo-Black Consciousness movers who often say that black people, in 1994, forgave white people who had never asked for forgiveness, who had never admitted collectively that apartheid was a heinous act of inhumanity towards the natives of this country.  This is true.

That is why FW De Klerk was even caught offside in the USA as he was trying to systematically defend the founding ideology of apartheid. Today, many of us progressive blacks are often caught only analysing the shortcomings of the ANC, without interrogating that some of them have their foundation strongly built on apartheid.

Frank Chikane even shares one time that, he wrote to the then president Nelson Mandela, complaining that “The old is corrupting the new”, simply put the masters of corruption under apartheid were busy feeding lessons on corruption to the new black rulers. Of course, faced with a sense of poverty and need for a glamorous life, these former liberators fell to this trap as a result today we have widespread corruption at levels that threaten to collapse the state.

Let us be frank, the white people in this country continue to live a life of privilege, not because the ANC government is engineering this, but simply because the structure of the economy dictates it be this way.

Capitalist Nigger

1994 only brought services to black people, it only brought greater opportunity for them to slave off in a white owned economy, it only brought a vote – something they had never lost; it brought opportunity to swim on the same beaches as white people, congregating in the same buildings etc. Without economic freedom, political freedom becomes useless – go read Chika Onyeani’s Capitalist Nigger.

Of course the black government is not without blame. We continue to blame them every day as fellow black people, but white people use this as disapproval for black rule, they also use it to bypass the critical imminent debate on how badly the economy is structured and the reality that things cannot continue this way.

If white people were genuine they would be at the forefront of preaching land redistribution, instead they want to use this land redistribution process as a vehicle to further amass obscene wealth. They sell the land to government, without farming assets, and then go on to sell the assets to generate capital for luxury holidays and new investments, whilst the blacks in the new land remain without resources to do any farming.

We then vehemently condemn the incompetence of these new black farm owners – when they are led into a trap by the government knowingly/unknowingly collaborating with these longstanding farm owners.
No white person in this country has not directly or indirectly received benefit from the brutal history of colonialism and apartheid. One revered writer, Frantz Fanon, reflects on why is it that the new black rulers post liberation get to behave in a way that mimics their former oppressors. He says, “The oppressed is an envious man”, he (the oppressed) imagines himself occupying the seat of the oppressor, and his imagination hardly goes beyond this.

As a result, to many black people the replacement of white people with blacks meant liberation. Now we know better, we know that this is not true. We know that true liberation means, as Pan-Africanists always maintained, the return of land to natives and the restructuring of ownership of the economy. 

The fate of this country is in all our hands but the white people of this country must move with a sense of urgency and be proactive when it comes to discussions on the economy and redistribution. White people must voluntarily give solutions and give up parts of their wealth in the process.

This question of the land and the economy will cause this country to burn when black people in their majority wake up from the lull they have been put to since 1994. There will be no space for constructive engagement as we attempt it now. There will be one language and that would be “grab, grab, grab”.

No progressive black person wants such an era, but white folks need to start listening. Source - News24
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Anonymous said...

Get over yourselves. There are just as many white people who live in poverty due to the high paying jobs taken by black people. Many white people don't even have shacks to live in, we have to live in the open streets. Myself and my grandson lives in a storage facility, no bigger than a prison cell with only a thin blanket on the raw concrete floor to sleep on and a thin duvet cover without the inner to cover us with and when we wake up in the morning, our bedding is soaked with water. The result? I developed problems with my kidneys, my grandson is sick and going to school tired and sick. Mostly he cant go to school since we do not have bus fare for him to go to school. His school fees are also ridiculously high and I cant even afford to pay it. My salary is only R2000 per month, paid to me by black people who earns anything between R27 000 and R50 000 per month and has no problems to live a high live, but there electricity gets cut, the flats are attached, cos they do not pay their bonds or electricity. It is not that they cant afford it, it is just they think they can still get everything for free and live then refuse to pay for anything in order to drive the latest models BMW's and Mercs, which they also do not pay and it gets repossessed. So open your eyes widely and look around and stop blaming the white people for your suffering. The country belongs to a black political party since 1994 which is already 18 years and there are more problems in this country than ever before. I have many black friends who also told me many times that they would like going back to the way the country was, cos at least they all had word and no matter how low the salaries were, at least they did not have to pay for anything. If you want electricity, you have to pay for it. If you want anything, you have to pay for it or live without it. Luxury cost money. This who white/black thing is becoming ridiculous now and it is over rated. Please stop this Bull***t.

Tribrill said...

Anonymous....a white person in South Africa is poor only because of bad decision making; for most black people its because they were born into systematic poverty. So you really have only yourself to blame for living in a storage box. But yes, black/white stuff needs to end in South Africa...but it will end with people being real. Black people are angry and even bitter, most white people feel persecuted for no good reason except suddenly having to share and go through if change has ever been easy.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous. I am reading what you have written from Sweden. At first I found it very interesting, since words rooted in experience always are. But then you start talking about how you've got black friends who would like go back to the way the country was, and that no matter how low the salaries were at least they did not have to pay for anything, and what not, and leave me speechless. You are defending some form of slavery here. It just shows that you are poorly educated and that you probably couldn't pass a decent job interview. Man up.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tribrill Black People are born into a society which designed for them to fail, a legacy left behind by the oppressive white man. So any white person in Anonymous's position is merely due to bad life choices whether it was your parents or gran-parents who made these bad decision somewhere along the line your destiny could've been otherwise. Secondly you are still better off then most black people for one, you can actually read this article thus you have the resources and you understand the context of it and the language which it is written in hence your economic survival skills are higher than most black people thus your lazy to find yourself better oppotunities. On the issue of black people living luxurious lives or trying to, such behaviour can be associated with legacy of the white oppressor like the article states "The oppressed is an envious man, he (the oppressed) imagines himself occupying the seat of the oppressor, and his imagination hardly goes beyond this." Now the oppressed meaning black people in this situation have no clue what is like being the oppressor aside from white their eyes see which is power in an immoral manner and glamour, thus the concept of saving is something unfamiliar to them or how money is used for that manner, which as the article states leaves them in serious debt like your employers Anonymous. So in essences my point is the only person to blame is the white oppressor, the ANC is merely a party that runs the state thus state funds are controlled by a government assembled by the party but land in this country is still larglely owned by the White man, who refuses to share it or educate black on how to use land effectively thus the ANC owns nothing or close to.

Anonymous said...

omw have you ever heard of the phrase 'building a united nation'. you make it sound as if what white people do for the economy is bad. You suggest that people should give away their equipment for free when selling their land, it's theirs and should be bought and the new owners should ask for help and expect to pay for training. DON'T make a group 'black and white' when discussing making one's own life better, that depends upon the person not wether you are black or white. You think black people are the only people in dept, well guess what, a lot of white people are also and also living in poverty and as South Africans we should be working to minimize the percentage of poverty in our country as a united nation

Head of Troublemaking said...

Im a white person: The day all of us start taking ownership of OUR OWN LIVES, is the day we will experience real freedom. Blaming the world around you is like looking back ALL the time. As for the issues in South Africa, wait till you see the issues in Europe, the East and America, the torture of China! Man, those people are evil to say the least. The Bible says that you should take what you have and multiply it - (your talents!) not sit on your backside and complain about what others have. Holidays and Luxury goods mean nothing to those who find true happiness within themselves. I dont stive for fancy holidays and luxuries. I strive to help others around me live better. It is always so sad to see that when I have give someone something, that they dont look after it. The day everyone in the world - not just the people in South Africa - take ownership of THEIR OWN LIVES, is the day there will be peace in this world. Only a weak mind will blame others for their sad lives. Being angry or sad is in your mind, and that can be changed if you start saying, "what can I do to make ME happy?" This article all about blaming. Life is about growing the people around you. By being an example to others to also strive to be better. By showing others how to be the best they can. By being this way, (according to this letter), black people will hate me? That hurts. There is absolutely no use in blaming the world around us for our problems. There is no good that comes from hatred, envy and jealousy. I would much rather live in a country where the people I live with strive for peace and to be better people. Dont forget, this country is ruled by the ANC. And has been for the past 20 years. And you are still blaming the white people? I dont get it. I have reason to believe the writer or this letter has not yet set foot outside of this wonder country with its wonderful people.

Anonymous said...

you are lucky to still have a white population otherwise you would be just another zimbabwe, so watch yourself or you are just too blind to realise that..

Anonymous said...

Concerning justice, the original owners of the land are not black, but the San people. The blacks "stole" the land from the San no less than the whites did from the blacks. If we are to undo the "stealing" then handing the goods from the second thief to the first thief doesn't seem to undo the injustice.

As to grabs for the sake of benefiting the poor, any economist, black or white, knows that massive land grabs and business handovers result in worse conditions for everyone after a not too long. Such economies always collapse. Even the poorest become poorer.

As to redistribution of wealth, there is not enough money in the country to elevate everyone to the higher statuses. It is sad, but it is also a simple reality. Our economy is simply not big enough. Swapping all the whites with blacks would only benefit a very small section of the black population.

The frustration is something that anyone can appreciate, but the solutions need to come from more far-sighted consideration.

Anonymous said...

SA are in flames, and then some people have time to write such nonsense. Forget the white people, and start govern and running this country. We (Whites) sitting on the sideline (smiling) and watching how you destroy a first world country....oeps and Verwoerd was the guy responsible for Marikana.

Anonymous said...

Remember Travelgate? The example was set then by the ANC when people had been caught stealing and instead of being fired were rewarded.

Name: Dlamini, Bathabile
Travelgate conviction: Pleaded guilty to one count of fraud (R254 000 service benefits/mileage claims) and was sentenced to a fine of R120 000.00 or 5 years imprisonment and a further 5 years imprisonment suspended conditionally for 5 years.
Position on ANC’s 2009 election list: 16th on the ANC’s national to national list.
Current position: Minister of Social Development. ANC Member of Parliament. From 2009 through to a cabinet shuffle in 2010, Bathabile served as Deputy Minister of Social Development, a Zuma appointment. Member of the ANC’s National Executive Committee.
Annual Salary: R1 901 699.00 as a Minister.

There are numerous other appointments of thieves by Zuma. Cadre deployment has destroyed municipalities and provincial governments. Outright theft is occurring. This is by black people stealing from the poorest of the poor. Why not start asking more from your leaders. Stop blaming everything on whites. It is time to grow up, be accountable and responsible. Stop whining. There are poor people in America, Europe, China and lots in India. Get over it.

You want to give the same corrupt, inept fools that are failing in government and municipalities more reponsibilty by giving them the mines? As if this will solve anything. All that will happen is that the mines will start to go bankrupt like the municipalities. Jobs will be lost. The tax revenue that the government earns from the mines will be lost. This revenue is used to prop up other government parastatals such as SAA, SABC, ESKOM and Transnet. The majority of which run at a loss.

Grow up. Man up

Anonymous said...

speak for yourself,talk while you pack and prove that will be another zimbabwe

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