
Hammersdale Business Forum Lanched

Hammersdale Business Forum
hammersdale business forum
The Director-General in the Office of the Premier Mr NVE Ngidi together with the Hammarsdale Business Forum will be launching the Hammarsdale Business Forum on Friday the 18 May 2012, in Mpumalanga Township.

The objectives of the launched are:

To introduce the Forum to the economic world of KwaZulu-Natal, the community and all stakeholders and role-players;

To enable the executive of the Forum to outline its vision and mission;

To garner support for the emerging and established business community in Hammarsdale and surroundings;

To reposition Hammarsdale as a key player and contributor to the social and economic landscape of the Province.

This event is expected to be attended by high-profile political leadership of this Province; high-ranking officials from the private and public sector; highly-esteemed community representatives; and the members of the business sector in the province.

All media is invited to attend, please provide your names and media house to Mandisa Shelembe (contact details below).
Date: 18 May 2012
Venue: Mpumalanga Sportsfield
Time: 17h30 for 18h00

Mandisa Shelembe
Provincial Government Communication
Cell: 083 389 6370

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