
Lindiwe Sisulu

Full Names:Lindiwe Nonceba Sisulu, Ms 

Date of Birth: 10 May 1954

Marital Status: Married

Current Positions: Minister of Public Service and Administration of the Republic of South Africa since 12 June 2012

Member of Parliament since 1994.

Chairperson of the Inaugural of the African Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development since 2005.

Member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC).
Member of the National Working Committee of the ANC.
Trustee of the South African Democracy Education Trust.
Member of the Board of the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Trustee of the Albertina and Walter Sisulu Trust.

Academic Qualifications
Completed GCE Cambridge University Ordinary Level at St Michael's School in Swaziland (1971).
Completed GCE Advanced Level at Waterford Kamhlaba, Swaziland (1973).
BA degree and Diploma in Education, University of Swaziland (1980).
BA Hons in History from University of Swaziland (1981).
Masters of Arts degree in History from Centre for Southern African Studies, University of York.
M Phil from Centre for Southern African Studies, University of York (1989). Thesis topic: 'Women at Work and Liberation Struggle in South Africa'

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

Detained for political activities (1975 - 1976).
Joined Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) and worked for underground structures of ANC in exile (1977 - 1978).
Obtained military training specialising in Intelligence (1977 - 1979).
Teacher at Manzini Central High School (1981).
Lecturer, Department of History, University of Swaziland (1982).
Sub-editor of The Times of Swaziland in Mbabane, Swaziland (1983).
Lecturer, Manzini Teachers Training College (1985 - 1987).
Chief Examiner, History for Junior Certificate Examinations for Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland (1985 1987).

Returned to South Africa in 1990.
Personal Assistant to Jacob Zuma as the African National Congress (ANC) Head of Intelligence (1990).
Chief Administrator for the ANC at the Convention for a Democratic South Africa (CODESA) (1991).
Administrator of Intelligence, ANC Department of Intelligence and Security (1992).

Consultant of the National Children's Right Committee, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. (UNESCO) (1992).

Director of the Govan Mbeki Research Fellowship, University of Fort Hare (1993).
Member of Management Committee, Policing Organisation and Management course, PDM, University of the Witwatersrand (1993).

Member of Management of the Sub-Council on Intelligence, Transitional Executive Council (TEC) (1994).
Chairperson of the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (1995 - 1996).
Deputy Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of South Africa (1996 - 2001).
Head of the Command Centre for Emergency Reconstruction (2000 - 2002).
Minister of Intelligence of the Republic of South Africa (24 January 2001 - 28 April 2004).
Minister of Housing of the Republic of South Africa (29 April 2004 10 May 2009).
Minister of Defence and Military Veterans of the Republic of South Africa (11 May 2009 - 12 June 2012).

Research/Presentations/Awards/Decorations/Bursaries and Publications
'South African Women in Agricultural Sector' (pamphlet) York University (1990).
'Women at Work and Liberation Struggle in the 1980's' in R Cohen (ed), Themes in the twentieth century South Africa, Oxford University Press (1991).
'Women Working Conditions in South Africa' South African Situation Analysis, National Children's Rights Committee, UNESCO (1992).

Housing Delivery and the Freedom charter: the beacon of hope, new agenda. Second quarter (2005).
Awarded the Human Rights Center Fellowship in Geneva (1992). Her project for the UN Center resulted in University of the Witwatersrand School of Business setting up a training course to upgrade the policing skill of MK members.

The Presidential Award for the breaking new ground in Housing delivery strategy by the Institute for Housing of South Africa (2004).

International Association for Housing Science Award in recognition for outstanding contributions and achievement towards improving and solving world's housing problems (2005).

Awarded the Human Rights Center Fellowship in Geneva (1992). Her project for the UN Center resulted in University of the Witwatersrand School of Business setting up a training course to upgrade the policing skill of MK members.

The Presidential Award for the breaking new ground in Housing delivery strategy by the Institute for Housing of South Africa (2004). 


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