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A new painting of President Jacob Zuma showing his genitals has surfaced and is spreading via social media.The painting shows President Jacob Zuma performing a traditional dance with his genitals showing. 

The naked painting has angered the Anc and it has condemned it. "We condemn this painting in the strongest terms. Any portrayal of President Zuma in this way is disrespectful. It makes a mockery of the president's office, his status as a father and a husband, and is an absolute abuse of the arts," ANC spokesperson Keith Khoza.



aleciab said...

really do not know what to say..part of me feels this is more a malicious act than a sincere expression of art...certainly the artist knew it would evoke very strong feelings from the president's supporters...Let's leave artistic expression out of it for one moment and ask ourselves the real motive behind the painting....need for attention? to ridicule the president? malice?...although i believe in freedom of expression in art....i do not know whether this is really about art

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmh ths is so out of a hand,be it da president or anyone in a high place won't love hs/her private parts 2 be drawn n exposed be it a drawing or what,ths shows no respect @ ol.

Anonymous said...

let dem draw him he bring nothing but shame 2 ds country.wondering wht made ppl 2 think zuma can b a president.mxm

Anonymous said...

Let's put aside Zuma being a president,this painting is totally out of line regardless of the "freedom of expression"...according 2 my understanding one's rights should not be affected whilst,the other is expressing his/her freedom...let us respect our elders..

Unknown said...

What is that our president have,why some of us dont RESPECT the elders, he is a father of his kids guys WHY? Let respect the elders.

Anonymous said...

no this is really getting out of hand. Ths is total disrespect to our president

25 design Concepts said...

Freedom of Expression se gat, This just an attention seeking artist. "The other one did it why can't I" He thought to himself after smoking nyaope and Hunga. There are a lot of things that the President has done.,That he can been ridiculed about. I think this artist should consider himself lazy and a copy cat.and this is a black issue, or some racist statement. The artist is just lazy. Everything about the art work is copied from the previous guy.

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