

A ground-breaking discovery by South African scientists, which provides an important new approach that could prove useful in making an Aids vaccine, has been announced.

The Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) on Monday made the announcement of the discovery of a unique feature of HIV that enables infected people to make antibodies that are able to kill a wide range of the HIV strains.

CAPRISA's findings were a proud and great achievement for the country, said Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi.

An Aids study published in the journal, Nature Medicine, describes how a unique change in the outer covering of the virus found in two HIV infected South African women, enabled them to make potent antibodies which are able to kill up to 88% of HIV types from around the world.

Over the past five years, CAPRISA has been studying how certain HIV infected people develop very powerful antibody responses.

These antibodies are referred to as broadly neutralising antibodies because they kill a wide range of HIV types from different parts of the world.

The CAPRISA team initially discovered that two KwaZulu-Natal women could make these rare antibodies.

Through long term follow-up laboratory studies of the two women, it was discovered that a sugar -known as a glycan - on the surface protein coat of the virus at a specific position (referred to as position 332) forms a site of vulnerability in the virus and enables the body to mount a broadly neutralising antibody response.

"Understanding this elaborate game of 'cat and mouse' between HIV and the immune response of the infected person has provided insights into how broadly neutralising antibodies arise," said Dr Penny Moore of the National Institute for Communicable Disease (NICD).

These were the kind of antibodies that would be needed for a vaccine, she added.

"Up to now, we've known that up to about a fifth of people make those antibodies but we've never known how. We just haven't understood what the process is," she explained.

"What we are showing today is one of the pathways - there are others, but this is one pathway for developing broadly neutralising antibodies. 

"The reason it is significant is that it gives us a new way of thinking about how to make a vaccine, which is the next step... It gives us a new strategy that we can exploit, where we try to mimic what happens in infected people but in the absence of the virus and just doing that by vaccination," Moore said.

Head of Aids Research at the NICD Professor Lynn Morris explained that it was a surprise to find that the virus strain which caused infection in many cases did not have this antibody target on its outer covering. 

"But over time, the virus was pressured by the body's immune reaction to cover itself with the sugar that formed a point of vulnerability, and so allowed the development of antibodies that hit that weak spot," she said.

Commenting on the significance of the finding, Professor Salim Abdool Karim, director of CAPRISA and President of the Medical Research Council, said that broadly neutralising antibodies were considered to be the key to making an Aids vaccine.

"This discovery provides new clues on how vaccines could be designed to elicit broadly neutralising antibodies. The world needs an effective Aids vaccine to overcome the global scourge of Aids," he added.

Motsoaledi paid tribute to the scientists involved in the study, while highlighting the importance of their finding.

"Our researchers have done us proud. Today's announcement bears testimony to the kind of scientists in our country. Without a doubt, South African scientists are world class scientists," he added.

Government's funding for the study was proof of government's commitment not only to fund treatment but also research to find solutions to the epidemic, Motsoaledi said.

Science and Technology Minister Derek Hanekom, who also applauded the scientists involved in the study, noted that a number of groups, including his department, had co-sponsored the study.

The scientists, among them young and female scientists, were making major breakthroughs in the fight against HIV/Aids and had made the country proud, he added. This article was published by
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jonni rebell said...

I like the story. however, the headline is criminally misleading.

Anonymous said...

I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV virus in the 2010,i went to many hospitals, churches for cure but there was no solution out, so I was thinking how can I get a solution out so that i cannot loose my life, I lost everything I have my husband run away from me and also took my children along because of my sickness. One day I was in the river side thinking the next step to take if it is to jump into the river so that I can loose my life totally or just think where I can go to get solution. so a lady walk to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up all to him telling her my stories, she told me that she can help me out that’s the reason she normally come here to help people so that thy can be cured because she was into this problem before, she introduce me to a doctor who cast spells on people and gave me his number and email so i called him and also email him. He told me all the things I need to provide and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening he called me and told me that i should go for an HIV test and which i did as he told me and the result was negative. so if you are also heart broke and also need a help you can also email him at

Brittany Valladeres said...

I'm very happy for the great help that Doctor Okoh render to me .my name is Brittany Valladares i'm an AMERICA, i live in Milwaukee Wisconsin.I have had lots of trouble with herpes. I have had cold sores on/in my mouth area, on my chin, on my thumb, chicken pox, shingles… I have seen allots of blogs and articles of some person speaking about how doctor okoh has cure the with his treatment and i was excited to contact this doctor(OKOH).
Doctor okoh promise to help me with the cure and make me healthy again, he told me what to do and i went according to the instructions given by doctor okoh, after I'm done with it he told me to go and check myself in any of the hospital in my country and i did, only for me get there and after checking, i was confirm that the virus which has been my worries and trouble is no longer in my system, i have had about doctor okoh cure for any deadly disease and now I believe all the Testimonies about him on the internet, he is truly a great man.You can get to him if you also need help, his Telephone number; +2348153089532 and his E-mail:

mark davis said...

My name is from Germany.i have been suffering from HIV/AIDS for 3 years.and still looking for a solution to my disease but still i could not find any cure but just 2 months ago a friend of mine from college came to visit me in the hospital and told me a similar problem of his cousin.who was suffering from HERPES who was cure by a herbalist called DR SCOFUA. he is a great healer and my friend advice me to contact him so that i can be cure from HIV/AIDS.which i did and now am free from HIV/AIDS so i just want to use this opportunity to say a well deserve THANK YOU to DR SCOFUA.You can also contact him if you have any problem via HE ALSO CURES OTHER DISEASES LIKE (1).HERPES CURE(2).ALS (3).HEPATITIS (4).HPV CURE(5).SPIRITUAL HEALINGS(6).CANCER (7).ASTHMA(8).DIABETES (9) LOW SPERM

Unknown said...

I saw Liah's comment about Dr Iyabiye’s medication concerning HIV/aids. I tried it and it worked perfectly, it was like hell living with HIV/aids all this years until now. No more pains, weakness and no more buying of anti-viral drug to slow down the viral load. Not only am cured /healed am financially OK also because I don’t buy drugs anymore. I would've come to testify before now but I have to wait for a couple of months to see if it will come back or feel pain as usual, I also went to the hospital for test and i was tested negative. All thanks to Dr. Iyabiye and to you Liah for spreading the good news. Doctor's contact: ( +234-815-857-730

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